Half term library activities

Adult and two children doing crafts at a table

Islington libraries are running free, fun activities for all the family this February half term. Come and join in the fun!

Fun face masks

Monday 17 February, 2.30–4pm
Central Library, 2 Fieldway Crescent, N5 1PF

Enjoy creating a character mask to wear. Become a superhero or Thomas the Tank Engine.

Random Act of Kindness Day

Monday 17 February 2.30–4pm
Finsbury Library, 245 St John Street, ECIV 4NB

Make a kindness-themed chatterbox and contribute to a wellbeing mural in the library.

Puppet show

Monday 17 February, 3pm
South Library, 115–117 Essex Road, N1 2SL

Join Macaroni Mouse on an adventure across London! This interactive puppet show is written, constructed and performed by Guildhall School of Music and Drama students, in association with Little Angel Theatre. A free event suitable for seven to 11-year-olds. No need to book.


Pom pom monsters

Tuesday 18 February 3.30–4.30pm
Mildmay Library, 21-23 Mildmay Park, N1 4NA

Learn to make a pom pom monster with yarn, felt, and googly eyes.

Box theatres

Tuesday 18 February 2.30–4pm
West Library, Bridgeman Road, N1 1BD

Make a box theatre and fill it with tiny actors for your chosen performance.


Wednesday 19 February, 2pm–3.30pm
N4 Library, 26 Blackstock Road, N4 2DW

Make and play hoop-la! Will you be a winner?

Amazing animal faces

Wednesday 19 February 2.30–4pm
Lewis Carroll Library, 166 Copenhagen Street, N1 0ST

Make animal faces with paper plates, googly eyes and paint.

Decorative bookmarks

Wednesday 19 February 2.30–4pm
South Library, 115–117 Essex Road, N1 2SL

Design and make a fun bookmark to use in your library books.

Finger puppets

Thursday 20 February 2.30–4pm
Cat and Mouse Library, 277 Camden Road, N7 0JN

Come and draw, colour and create a fun finger puppet.


Thursday 20 February, 2.15–3.30pm
North Library, Manor Gardens, N7 6JX

Design and make a suncatcher to brighten your home this winter.

Random Acts of Kindness Day

Friday 21st February 2.30-4pm
Archway Library, Hamlyn House, Highgate Hill, N19 5PH

Make a greetings card and add words and drawings to illustrate your acts of kindness.


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