Easter Lunch Bunch is back!

Lunch Bunch

Islington children of all ages can enjoy Easter Lunch Bunch at a range of activity providers including Bright Start 0-5 outdoor family sessions, adventure playgrounds, sports sessions with Access to Sports, and as part of holiday childcare playschemes.

Young people can also get Lunch Bunch when they attend creative, sport, and healthy living sessions at Platform, Lift, and Rose Bowl. And families can enjoy cooking free, healthy food together as part of Easter’s Family Kitchen programme. 

Now, in its third year, Lunch Bunch is popular with parents and children: ‘Lunch Bunch has been very helpful. I am a single parent and the cost of feeding my children during the Covid-19 crisis has been very stressful for me, but this has helped a lot.”  

For details of how to book activities with Lunch Bunch go to www.islington.gov.uk/lunchbunch

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