Homegrown talent: Eve
The council works with many organisations to create jobs and training opportunities for residents, offering the skills and contacts needed to develop their careers. In a series of interviews, some of the Islington residents who’ve benefitted from the scheme tell their success stories. This time: Eve
Before the pandemic, I studied architecture at university, while also working in retail. It was challenging, but it allowed me to support my elderly mother, who I live with.
After lockdown, I had to make some difficult decisions. I stopped working, as my job involved interacting with lots of people. My biggest concern wasn’t just that I might catch Covid, but that I could pass it on to my mother.
Being stuck at home without a job made me reconsider my options. I wanted to be able to look after my mum, but I wanted to start my career, not just take a job for the sake of it. I searched online for suitable vacancies and found the Islington Working job site.
Because I could tailor my search, the jobs I found were much closer to what I wanted to do. The iWork team really got to know me and helped me choose the right roles to apply for and to prepare for my interviews.
With iWork’s help, I secured a full-time role with Cripplegate Foundation as a business support apprentice and office manager in the Angel office. Now, I’m in a job I love, while studying for my qualification. I can earn a salary that helps me look after mum while building my career.
To learn more about great career, apprenticeship and training opportunities in Islington, visit the Islington Working jobsite. For information on support and development programmes, visit the council’s dedicated training and skills page.
To find out more about the Cripplegate Foundation, visit the website.