Homegrown talent: Musab


The council works with many organisations to create jobs and training opportunities for residents, offering the skills and contacts needed to develop people’s careers. In a series of interviews, some of the people who’ve benefitted from the scheme tell their success stories. Next up: Musab

I heard about the council’s Youth Employability and Skills (YES) programme through Jubba Youth Community Association (JYCA). I had been unemployed for just over a year and had been attending the weekly JYCA youth club. The youth worker there knew of my employment status and asked if I would be interested in receiving further support from the council, to help overcome my barriers to work. I was receiving jobseekers’ allowance (JSA) and it was a cycle that I wanted to break, as there is a huge stigma around receiving JSA in my community.

At the start, I wasn’t very punctual to appointments. I never used to prioritise things that were good for me and ended up disappointing my work coach, Zak. I remember if he wasn’t able to get hold of me, Zak would call my father to wake me up for my appointments, which made me appreciate the YES team even more, as they were always ready to go above and beyond for me to achieve my goals.

I originally started with the Adult and Community Learning (ACL) team and YES, supporting them with their marketing. I gained a lot of experience during my two months there. After completing the placement with the ACL team, I then started the Kickstart programme, where I was working 25 hours a week with Independent Futures as an administrator assistant. I loved working as part of the team, as I had a supportive manager in Nadine, who was always there when I needed help or guidance with the work. I had regular meetings with Cherrylynn, my council Kickstart coach, which also supported me in my job. It’s been a bumpy ride, but all in all a very positive and unique experience.

The advice I’d give to a young person looking for a job is, keep looking and seek support from the council or youth employment groups. I would also tell them to be patient, as the process will not be a quick one, but it is definitely worth it.

I enjoyed my time on the YES programme and it has changed the direction my life was headed in. I will always be appreciative of it.

To learn more about great career, apprenticeship and training opportunities in Islington, visit the Islington Working jobsite. For information on support and development programmes, visit the council’s dedicated training and skills page.

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