Make your own face covering

Face coverings are compulsory in all shops and supermarkets in England, as well as on public transport.
On public transport, this means you need a face covering over your nose and mouth, that you need to wear for the entirety of any journeys made. The new rules apply to everyone except for very young children, or people who have a disability or breathing difficulties.
You can read more about the new rules here.
If you don’t have a face covering, it’s easy to make your own. You just need to make sure you have enough fabric to cover from the top of your nose to the bottom of your chin.
Here are a few easy methods to get you started:
Easy no-sew face covering made with hair elastics
Tie string face mask using an old t-shirt, plus an easy sewing option
For those with some basic sewing skills, there are lots of tutorials around!
Lisa Comfort from local Islington sewing school and shop Sew Over It has a DIY face covering tutorial for those who can use a sewing machine – no pattern required!
Lisa says:
“Making your own face covering is quick and easy. Whether or not you have a sewing machine, if you have a bit of fabric you can whip one up in a few minutes. Try to pick a comfortable, breathable fabric that you can wash again and again. Reusing old clothes is a great option!”

Lisa Comfort from Sew Over It on Essex Road wearing her home-made mask
Don’t forget!
A face covering isn’t a substitute for staying at home, washing hands frequently (for at least 20 seconds) and keeping at least 2 metres apart. Make sure to keep up the discipline!
Make sure you wear your face covering correctly. This means:
- Wash your hands before putting your mask on.
- Make sure loose ends are tucked away.
- Don’t touch your face or your face covering while you are wearing it.
- Try not to touch the front or face covering area when removing your mask, and avoid touching your face.
- When you have removed your mask, store it in a plastic bag until you can wash it. Face coverings can be washed as part of your laundry and using your normal detergent.
- Make sure you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap after handling your face covering.
It’s also very important to remember, this doesn’t mean lockdown is over. Wherever possible, please continue to stay home to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.