Top tips: job hunting

The IslingtonLife guide to nailing your next job application
- Tailor your CV. Adapt it to the job you’re applying for.
- Use bullet points to keep your CV concise.
- Use a wide range of job search methods including search engines, company websites, recruitment agencies and newspapers. Don’t be afraid to just approach companies too!
- Read job adverts carefully before you apply. Job descriptions and person specifications provide key information about the kind of person they’re looking for.
- Use the STAR model. Think of scenarios to back up the things you say about yourself on your application and in the interview – break it down into Situation, Task, Action, Result.
- Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and be honest about them, then find ways to improve them.
- Get some work experience to build your skills. Try to find and do taster days and mentoring sessions in areas of interest.
- Do your research! Find out more about the organisations and businesses you’re applying to.
- Hone your skills. Find free online training at
- Ask for support. Be it from a friend, family member or the council. Contact for help with your job search.
The iWork service supports anyone who is out of work in Islington to find a job, apprenticeship, training or education. They can help match your skills to local job and training opportunities and coach you to build your confidence while you are searching for work or training. The iWork team can also help you sort out your benefits so you can study or retrain. Get in touch with iWork via the Islington Council website.