Trustee Week: Bridget Pavitt, Sunnyside Community Gardens
Bridget Pavitt is a Trustee at Sunnyside Community Gardens, which was set up about 40 years ago when the area was being re-developed and local residents had campaigned for more green space. She was a volunteer at the gardens for about a year before being invited to become a Trustee.
Bridget says: “It’s very sociable, you get to meet people from all walks of life. I also like being able to make a bigger difference to the gardens and community by contributing ideas for future developments and fund-raising ideas.
“Sunnyside Community Gardens has now developed the Morris Family Garden and maintains a nature garden as a refuge in the busy city. We run three volunteer sessions a week, one of which for vulnerable or less able people. Sadly, we have had to curtail some of other activities due to Covid regulations, but hope to bring back art therapy and a nature club when the time is right.”
Her advice if you are thinking about becoming a Trustee is: “Don’t be nervous! It can be great fun and very fulfilling. Be organised and the time commitment is very manageable.”
Find out more about Sunnyside Community Gardens on its Facebook page.