Youth power

Raj Jalota, children and young people’s participation officer at Islington Council, talks about the role of the Islington Youth Council – and how your child can get involved
Youth councillors are responsible for making sure the opinions of young people in Islington are heard, campaigning for their needs and interests. They work with council officers and councillors to ensure young people have
a key role in planning, designing, delivering and reviewing services.
Being on the youth council is a fantastic opportunity to do so many things: influence how money is spent on services for young people; act as a voice for young people to make sure their ideas and concerns are heard; help to change society’s views about young people; gain good skills and experience that will enhance your CV and college applications – and, importantly, give you a sense of pride that you have influenced positive changes in Islington. Your child can apply to stand as a candidate in the youth council election in September. Voting will take place in November.
Recently we have also been busy making a short film to update young people about our main priorities and encourage them to stand as candidates and to vote in the election. The film will be available soon on izzy-info – stay tuned!
If you want to involve the youth council in a project, contact . Keep up to date on their work on Twitter @IslingtonYC and Instagram @islingtonyc