Keeping community spirit alive at Whittington Park Centre

Jo corall centre manager at Whittington Park Community Centre

Community centres are a vital resource that connect people totheir community, giving them a stronger sense of place and improving their wellbeing. We speak to Jo Corrall, the new centre manager of Whittington Park Community Centre, and retiring manager Ann Mason to look at the past and future of the centre

Nestled in the western corner of Whittington Park, the Whittington Park Community Association, or WPCA, was established by local people in 1972, but has been around in some form since the 1800s. It is a great place for people of all ages and backgrounds to meet and learn from each other. Centres like this help to bring communities together and build community spirit.

After 12 years of leading the centre with dedication and passion, Ann Mason has now retired, paving the way for Jo to take the helm. “Community centres are a social glue, providing an accessible space for people to gather,” Ann says. “I have so many lovely memories of the centre, from beautiful summer festivals in the park to Christmas lunches. I have fond memories of children from Yerbury Primary School listening to stories of World War Two from some of the older members of our over-55s club. It truly is a space for everyone; from toddlers to people well into their 90s, whatever your age or background you are welcome here.”

“I’ve been looking over photos from my time at the centre and it’s great to see how much we achieved, even during times when the building wasn’t in the best shape. I wish all the best for the team and hope they keep up the amazing work. It was an enjoyable place to work because everyone loves what they’re doing.”

Jo took up the position after her role at Islington’s Ecology Centre in Gillespie Park. “I’ve been working in the community for the last six years,” Jo says. “I wanted to do something bigger and something that wasn’t solely focused on nature. I’m hoping my connections, skills and experience will help me to bring more people into the centre.”

With support and fundraising from the community over several years, renovations have seen one part of the centre, Hocking Hall, become a fully accessible, flexible and multi-purpose space. This means it can now be used by local people for a range of sports, as well as social and community events. “The renovations that have been done are fantastic,” Jo says. “I’m excited to see how the beautiful new space can serve the community.”

Run by local people, for local people, all WPCA staff live in the area and some grew up at the centre, attending the youth club or nursery in their childhood. “There is no typical day running a community centre; every day there are new issues and challenges, but new ideas and solutions as well. I meet with different people to discuss how they may want to use the centre; I look for potential funding and try to plan for the future.

“I regularly have lunch with the over-55s club. This gives me the chance to find out how their week’s going and learn what they enjoy about the centre. They’ve told me they want more gentle exercise classes and how much they love the poetry club. Feedback like this is really important. It helps us to understand our community and helps us provide the activities and support they want and need.”

The centre includes an Early Years Hub with a community nursery, a childminders’ drop-in, stay and play sessions, a youth club for 13–19 year olds, a social club for people over 55 and a men’s social club. There are also spaces that people hire for a variety of events, from community meetings and yoga classes to children’s birthday parties, christenings and even wakes.

“It’s an absolute joy to work with the team here,” Jo says. “They all work so hard because they truly care about the community and want the centre to fulfil its potential. “The community have been really welcoming. They are often popping in to meet me, asking me about my plans for the future of the centre and telling me about their favourite activities. It really helps me to feel like I fit in and that I am part of the community, it’s a great feeling.”

Whittington Park Community Centre is one of many centres across Islington offering activities, support, and safe spaces for local communities to come together. If you want to get involved and join one of the many clubs or activities, you can find your local community centre at:

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