Five things to do in parks

Ideas and events worth bracing the cold for this winter


Help maintain Islington’s parks and prepare them for spring. You’ll build strength, get fresh air, and sleep better, not to mention the mental health benefits of getting outside and meeting people. Find a volunteering opportunity.

Join a walking group

A brisk walk can be just as good for you as a run, as long as it lasts longer. While you’re out, reconnect with wildlife and try to take in your surroundings – see if you can spot any plants or wildlife, such as snowdrops, crocuses and foxes. There are plenty of walking tours to get involved in, too. Check out the Islington Guides website for inspiration.

Take part in Parkrun

As long as you wear the right clothes (sports t-shirts, gloves and layers), are mindful of weather conditions and take time to warm up, there’s no reason why you can’t run in winter. For extra motivation, partner up with a friend or take part in Parkrun: a free 5k running event that takes place every Saturday in Highbury Fields at 9am. Visit the Parkrun website for more information

Use an outdoor gym

You may need to brush off some snow or rain, but free outdoor gyms are a great way to keep fit in the winter. You can find them in Elthorne Park, Paradise Park, Rosemary Gardens, Spa Fields, Tufnell Park Playing Fields, and Whittington Park. All machines are labelled with instructions.

Climb the clock tower

Join a historic walking tour of Cally Clock Tower: you’ll have to climb 170 steps, but you’ll be rewarded with stunning views of London. There are events for people of all ages and abilities at Cally Park, such as history tours and dementia-friendly walks. Sign up for an event

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