Free repair workshops

Woman helping young girl on a sewing machine

Save some money and help our environment at the same time by repairing your old clothes or electrical items.

Do you have piles of much-loved garments in desperate need of repair? Come along to a free upcycling workshop with Fashion-Enter! Or an electrical item that needs fixing? Then join one of the many electrical repair cafes happening throughout the year

Textile upcycling and repair workshop

Tuesday 16 July, 13 August, and 10 September, 10am–4pm
FC Designer Collective, Fonthill Road

Hosted at the FC Designer Collective shop at 113–115 Fonthill Road in Finsbury Park, attendees can drop in with an item of pre-loved clothing and learn how to repair or upcycle.

The workshops are run in partnership with Islington Council and are free to attend, but booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.

Book your place for Tuesday 16 July

Book your place for Tuesday 13 August

Book your place for Tuesday 10 September

Electrical repair cafes

Electrical/electronic items repair cafes will be starting from September more information to come. You can visit the Islington Together Greener website for more information and to stay up to date.

Islington Together Greener



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