Finsbury Winter Warmers

A cartoon drawing of a crowd of people in old fashioned dress, including a person dressed as a clown with their leg raised in the air

A series of free events, from workshops to guided walks: 13 Jan–8 March

Islington Heritage’s Finsbury Winter Warmers programme is back for 2025! With more than 40 events taking place from January till March, get stuck into everything from guided history walks and tours, to cooking and fitness sessions. All events are free and refreshments will be provided.

Visit Eventbrite for the full listings and to book your spot using the password WinterWarmers3

As part of the programme, The London Archive will be hosting three events: a talk from the director of the Charles Dickens Museum on the featuring of Clerkenwell in the famed author’s works; a talk on the life of Joseph Grimaldi, the ‘king of clowns’; and a workshop exploring the history of Clerkenwell, as told through maps.

Visit The London Archives Eventbrite page for more details and to book

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